Sub-Humans has left
After a week with sub-humans staying, they have now left and thing is back to normal. The sub-humans behaved purrfectly, but their lack of true animal company did force the animal into teaching. Thank heavens they are all so patience, oh yes, the sub-humans as well. They are actually missed.
The Model Cat say: “We do off course enjoy having sub-humans staying, but honestly, it does mean a lot of extra work, and that keeps us from doing our regular job, like the news.”
At Sunday we got a very surprising visit. 6 small pheasant kids was observed close to the chicken house. Unfortunately they where observed at a hunt day, so when no mother was observes there has been wondered whether she had been the victim of some shots heard earlier the same day.
The Spokehen say: “They were adorable and very well behaved. They are welcome back whenever they feel for it, hopefully together with their mother.”
Everybody hates hunt days, but for some it is actually worse than others. The Pigs is spending these days in their fenced part of their garden, being bored. Several tries have been made to brighten their day, but not all are that successful. Still being fed their favourite food, soup, does help…. For a very short period……
The Big Daddy say: “sooooo boooored, just soooo booored …….. hmmmmm do I smell soup?”
Some days ago the Lady Dog got herself a backpack. The special ordered item is now her biggest pride and she refuse to leave the house with out it. In the future she is even planning to put something into it.
The Dog say: “hah! Like I couldn’t wear a backpack myself, if I wanted. Let me tell you, I do not want to!!
We are all looking forward to marked day, most of us because it means a quit time with out the dogs, the dogs because they are hocked on going out to the local bar. They are not exactly teetotal. Therefore everybody got hugely disappointed when our car met the car parade filled with the people wearing orange west’s. The wild boar hunters. Fare enough they promised to stay off our property, but even the sad dog agreed that they had to turn around and go back to their duty as “ready to bark at moments notice”.
The Lady Dog say: “Oh well, at least I got to carry the backpack. So maybe I did not get to show it off, but hey, it is always next time.”
Number off eggs today: 3
Weather forecast
A little windy and some clouds looks like they are getting closer, but so far the sun is still shining and the temperature is just purrfect.
The Dogs recommends you to enjoy the last bit of summer.
Please be advised that my body is not under any circumstances fat. Only some very inexperienced individuals will make the mistake and get my huge mussel mass confused with fat. I can off course not say the same for all the other pigs around this property.
Anti mud
We are in search of a mud-remover installation. The installation need to be able to be fit in both cat- and dog flap. Further the installation need to be silent, odour free and can under no circumstances disturb the lordship entering their house.
Ref: desperate human slave
Do you want to travel with me?
A young backpack would like to meet someone he can spend all his travelling with. I promise to sweep you off your feet and embrace you.
Ps. Only dog lovers. Ds.
Ref: Backpacking