Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Luckily the cats do not want special treatment just because of some bad  weather.
Cold freezing days
The last week the citizens have become even more victimized by the most terrible freezing cold. Needless to say, the citizens are not at all happy about this situation. Off course, they do not take time out to sit down and cry about the matter; instead they use their time wisely to figure out how to best keep on living spite these truly horrifying conditions. For instance if you see a cat being curled up in front of a fireplace, that is just because it is a nice place to figure out how to minimize the time spent outdoor, and instead make more time available to stay curled up in front of the fireplace planning how to use less time in the even colder outdoors.
The Primadonna say: “I am currently re-dreaming my very best hunts. That should keep me busy until about mid-July 2015.”

Mrs Goose ayeing up the ice.
Hard water
Normally the geese don’t believe in bad weather, but lately even the ever so smug Mr and Mrs Goose has been observed a little bit on the sad side what the weather is concerned. Not that they are freezing or anything like that, but when you want to jump into your pool for a nice refreshing morning bath, and you instead are met by an unpleasantly hard meeting with a 5 cm thick layer of ice, even a geese can get its spirit a bit down.
The Sheppard say: “No such thing as bad weather, only bad feathers – up your featherly behinds geese!”

Friends re-united
(Also first offical photo of Latte after his horn trim.)
Icy mode
Even if you are surrounded but the biggest ball of thick soft wool, the cold can get to you. The normally friendly spirit between the members of the local wool producers also got below zero. Suddenly they disagreed about disagreeing, and started a rather cold discussion about leadership. Cold stares led into horn actions. For a while the whole thing looked ice cold.
Luckily it went so cold that the bad spirit froze up, and the 4 friends went back to do what they do best, eating.
Latte said: “Puh, I am seriously glad that was over. I didn’t get to eat, and I seriously was in danger of loosing some weight. I shall never ever fight again.”

King tiny paws on wood inspection.
Wood inspector
Whereas somebody only thinks about their own pleasures in this way beyond chilly weather, somebody is sacrificing their own well being for the best of the society. King Tiny being the great King he is didn’t even think twice when he noticed that weather freezing up. He immediately walked straight out and inspected the stack of woods. Luckily the stacks were found to his liking, and his cold feet was brought straight back in again for defrosting in front of the working fireplace.
King Tiny said: “A king has to do what a king has to do and I don’t want my “friends” to get cold.

Weather forecast
It is freezing cold. The sun seems to have malfunctioned, as it shines and shines but give us no heat.
The dogs are to busy to keeping warm to recommend you anything.


Wood stacker
We are in urgent need of anybody who continuously can keep feeding the hungry fireplaces with food.
Qualifications: opposable thumbs.
Ref: The cat department

Thursday, 15 December 2011

A crash between the snack time for the geese and for the pigs.
 Snack time
While the female human was off for some not at all needed R&R, the male human lived up to the citizens expectations. Frequent snack times were suddenly added to every agenda. Sometimes the snack schedules to the different citizens were so closed together that male human didn’t have time to move from one to the other. Thankfully all citizens are off course prune to co-operation, and in the lack of humans, different departments of citizens were observed snacking together in almost good spirit.
Big Daddy said: “It is strange how somebody seem to have a problem with the concept that I actually have first dip on absolutely everything!”

The poker face hard at work.
Back at work!
The main secretary is back, and therefore also Seniora is back at her job as a photo editor. This is a very important job where it is of the most vital importance of being neutral. Seniora is doing this perfectly, no matter what or who the motive is, but some motives are pushing her borders more than others. Off course you would never bee able to tell which motives this would be, as while on job Seniora has the most perfect poker face ever.
Seniora say: “While at work I am totally into my jo…. Was that the sound of food hitting my bowl?”

The Sheppard hitting the dance floor breaking style.
Breaking into things
It is not always easy being a training addict, especially when you seem to be the only one with in Norwegian miles. Still the Sheppard is an eternal optimist and do her very best indeed. Her latest research as led her to be a firm believer in dancing. The only problem is that the only DVD trainer she could get her paws on was “Advanced break dance”.

Cold but beautiful.
Cold mornings
Lately we are the victims of some very cold mornings indeed. Several citizens are really struggling to get out of bed. Certain pigs for instance can’t be observed until the moon is long gone, as they are to busy dreaming about the sun turning and the very thought that warm days will yet again arrive. Therefore the pigs have totally missed out on the fact that cold mornings also can be beautiful. It is hard to believe but cold can be beautiful. Off course we can perfectly well manage with out some types of beauty.
Mr Goose say: “I would like to take this opportunity to remind you all that there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad feathers!”

Moon set.
Weather forecast
Cold nights, foggy mornings but finally oh so sunny days!
The dogs recommend you to concentrate on the sunny days, and try to forget about those awful chilly nights.


These lovely postcards has arrived the 2nd half of this year. We are still hoping to add some more. As you can see, we still have a lot of free space.
In these Christmas card time we would like to take the opportunity to thanks those of you who has been wonderful enough to take time out of your schedule to send us a postcard. As you can see we love them all, and they have made out kitchen such a beautiful decorated place to be. We hope this is something that will continue into the next year. Not only because we would like to receive cards, but also because we like to have somebody to send cards to.  We love to send cards as well. Those who sends cards to us, well, we honestly think they know we normally send someone back.

We are sad to admit that those are the only Christmas cards that has arrived.  Still, no Christmas yet..
When it comes to Christmas card those, we can only say that the door to out living room has a lot of free space. We feel it is sad that this nice old tradition seems to die out. We know that a lot of persons donate the money to animal welfare and other welfare as well. Luckily for us, we do enough for welfare the rest of the years, so we can take time and money out to send Christmas cards anyway.
These are the lovely cards we got the first  part of this year.  Aren't they just beautiful?

Bye the way, if you have sent us a card, and you can not see it on these photographs, well it is because it hasn’t arrived. Like for instance if you just recently went to Gothenburg, we are sure a card will arrive shortly. 

Saturday, 10 December 2011

a photo special - from the archives
This is a small treat for you  - my beloved fans ;-) A set of photos from the golden days. 
As you might notice, I have always been a bodybuilder. 



 With my subsecretary the SubHuman Superiore Elite

I do hope you enjoy this look into the past with me, have a wonderful weekend! Mrs Human will return Monday, I am planning to tell her that Mr Human forgot to feed me ;-)
All the best, TamTam and the gang 

Friday, 9 December 2011

VET = Vamphyres Eat TamTams
VET a discusting word indeed, and my good friend Mogs has been in lately for an upset tummy episode. We wish her all the best, and a speedy recovery indeed.
If you know what VET stands for please let me know on my FB site - thanks. 

RIP- Marcus
Marcus the 5,5 year old rabitt - french Wedder - died of a bleeding in the head, the VET put him peacefully to sleep in the arms of his Human yesterday. 

Bowling actually
While we -( me actually )- do our very best to train all humans, but our own mainly - they suddenly go training all by themself! And bowling... Are they planning to throw the food from now on?
Of course I see the benefit when it comes to carry the foodsacks, so I let Mrs Human and SubHuman Superiore Elite, SubHuman Superiore and SubHuman Bella to have their fun. According to the rumors SubHuman Superiore Elite won round 1, and SubHuman Superiore won the second round. I dont think bowling is for me though. 

Photos from the archive system... hmmm doesnt work anymore? I will put in a virtuell postcard instead. 
"Julehuset" - "Christmas house"

all the best to you all,
TamTam and the gang et zoo. 

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Training the humans - episode "who keep the count?"
In the ongoing and everlasting task to train the humans to my liking, the zoo gang have had Mr Human on the agenda for a few days. He is ever so willing to pick up on our training, but he still need hard work of course. Yesterday he only managed three of our cats on the lap at once.. Poor Primadonna and Peaceman. 
Tomorrow we will teach him the clock, this has been a success with Mr. SubHuman Superiore Elite earlier, as he was told feeding the cats was at 7 o clock. So he feeded us - bless his soul - 7am and 7pm. Thats a man who understands a cat I tell you. 
Looks like Christmas 
I am pleased to show you a photo of the feeder-system up North, taken today. Its filled with goodies for hungry small birds. And doesn't it look like Christmas up there? 
Yours truly TamTam and the gang in the zoo

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Looks like Christmas
a few days off now - sorry,
apparently what looks like Christmas isnt always Christmas! The other day I told you all about the poor birds up North. The situations hasnt improved, yesterday they got snow - a lot off it as well. The snow dont care about where the birds eat at all. So please remember to feed them, as they need a lot of food to keep warm during winther. But it looks like Christmas :)

My SubSecretary - the honorable SubHuman Superiore Elite has been away for a few days, and seen the Christmas market in Gothenburg, Sweden. A lovely visit she claims, and she now experience the Christmas spirit (according to SubHuman Superioro - thats shopping...). 

Our disappointment was enourmous when our Humans came back from Munich - the electricity had gone - gone as in vanished. Can't we trust the Humans in even the simplest of task? Keep electricity up so we can see where to eat!?
It was a tragedy. And such laim escuses as well. Well they fixed it in the end, and mr Human is back home while mrs Human is shipped up to her family for a pre-Christmas holiday. At least we have the electricity back ( :-) ) So the ungoing battle to train humans and subhumans to my liking dont seem to come to and end shortly. My agenda is full. 

Photos from the archives
Some photos from the lovely archive systems again, this time the goats whoom are patiently awaiting the foodtime. 

 Mr Goat is showing his best trick ( if I might say so myself, his only trick) eating out of the subhuman superiore elites hand.
All the best to you, from TamTam and the gang. (ehh zoo).

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Virtuell Postcard from the Humans
As you might rememeber we shipped the humans off for a vacation, I have read this is important for humans. Me, I can only say: Home is my castle, and I prefer to stay close to my foodbowl. 
However, the humans has sent us a virtuell postcard from Munich/München where they currently are enjoying the famous Christmas-marked in town and maybe some Glühwein.. 

Training the temps and my staff
This is not easy and easy task let me inform you, its an ongoing battle to keep the humans on their toes for my satisfaction nore is it easy to train my staff/zoohabitans to keep up with my standards. 
We are currently looked after foodwise by prima sub-human italiana (neighbour) and her family. The Prima subhuman is a pleasant but firm subhuman with solid background on petkeeping. However her petkeeping skills is nonexistent for pigs, sheeps, goats, ducks, parrots, goose so its up to them to keep smirking ;-) 
Training the staff
Yesterday I told you all about the fascination humans in general has for the catwalk symbolised as the number 8 around their feets. Today it was Mr Purrs time to practise, and it seemed surprisingly hard for him. It actually looked more like the symbol at (@) as he insisted on passing the foodbowl ever so-often... But Mr Purr turned on his  soundcard-system (built-in) and   all in all it was a success. But I do realise I have to train the younger ones a hole lot more! I will put in my agenda for sure.
Showing a photo from the archive system, its rather old, but he choosed it himself (eyeroll).

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Christmas time is approaching
as Christmas is arriving shortly our folks has disappeared to make us all ready for the Christmas holidays, this is something we all look forward too, because everybody knows SubHumans (also called the Temps) are so much more friendly with the amount of food we are given. 
If we just pass their feet in a pattern which could be similar to the number 8 temps are easily fooled to give us all just a little bit more :-) 
But as we are conserned about all the animals on the planet we know for sure that not everyone are so happily suited as us here at our local Zoo. 
The wind and rainy weather up north is horrible, and the poor little ones need sunflowerseed! They need a lot of it as well. (we may report that the snow is absent so far this season - so we are showing a photo from the archives). 

A photo from the archivesysteme, goes without explaination.... I am hard at work as usual testing out the carsafety system and the best view. 

This is how we greet subhumans, showing one of our favourite subhumans, his patience towards DJ is without comparrison whatsoever. A photo from the archive system again.

We wish the humans all the best on their holiday.
TamTam and the gang ... sorry I meant zoo ;-)