Thursday, 24 May 2012

A not at all snooring DJ sQuil
Musical indifferences
Several hours before the evening was swallowed by the dark night yesterday, a gasp of utterly total disbelief spread out amongst the still awoke citizens, like a fire through very dry grass. It showed that Big Daddy and DJ sQuil had decided to spend the night apart. Not even the huge amount of fresh beddings could persuade DJ sQuil to spend yet another night with somebody with that complete lack of musical taste.
Big Daddy gave the following official statement as a result to this unfortunate episode: “I DO NOT SNORE!”

Mr Goose eating gresh gren outside the courtyard after climbing a stair.
Mr Hyde?

As you may recall upon, a while ago Mr Goose let to small female goslings move in under his care. The goslings have since grown and grown and grown even some more, and are today the most beautiful ladies Mr. Goose sees. Still the rest of the citizens can not but wonder about what the two rather desideful ladies have done to the proud gander. After the ladies joined him he has rather got the taste for fresh greens, long walks and climbing stairs. Rumour has it that he even started to sleep indoors.
Latte say: “I specifically mean to remember clearly that this was a goose free meadow.”

Hot heat
It was only yesterday that it was freezing cold, but today the heat is finally warming not only every citizen’s heart, but also their bodies. Some even seem to think that the heat is just a tad to warm, and proper shadows seem to be rather crowded.
Often heard but not further noticed: “THIS SHADOW IS MINE!”

Catnap victim?
King Tiny had just but finished off his breakfast when he was rudely catnapped away from the eating area. This brought a lot of distress upon the poor victim, as he was just about to unselfishly help empty out the other cats’ breakfast bowls. Luckily the training lessons in catrate paid off, and just as the catnapper reach the 2nd floor, King Tiny broke free, and speeded back to the kitchen. Just in time to help his fellow cat friends in need.
The “1 cat = 1 bowl” union gave the following official statement: “It was a good plan, but we need to find a better detention officer.”

Working on an escape route!
Two horrified dogs did not manage to escape a wet destiny, and was BATHED. This was not a pleasant welcome amongst the dogs but spite high vocal- and strong physical protests, the two poor poor things did not manage to escape from their awful wet and clean destiny.
Gassoline said: “I just don’t get those dogs. Who doesn’t want to have a nice relaxing bath?”

Weather forecast
Hot and sunny, just like the most of us like it.
The dogs recommend you to stay hot and avoid the showers.


All the citizens would like to take this opportunity to wish Petra all the best and congratulate her on her birthday! 
Cause she's a jolly good sub-human, cause she's a jolly good sub-human and so say all of us!!