Wednesday, 15 July 2009

July 15th

Crazy chick!
Before the hens arrived we where assured that hens was not the fondest of socializing with anything other than other hens. Then the Spokeshen arrived. Not only does she follow us anywhere, but as soon as the humans sit down, she insists on sitting on their laps. After a thorough investigation we have come to the conclusion that the Spokeshen might be a little crazy, even for a chick.
The Spokeshen said: “It is not about the specie you belong to; it is about the individual soul!”

Gross negligence
This morning the Cat Department had a terrible experience of the worst source. Due to gross negligence on the part of humans, the food bowl had turned completely empty during the humans off time.
The Cat department has issued an official statement: “For a while we where in danger of getting hungry. It was a close call, to close to think about it.”
(photo taken by SubHuman)

Yet another swimming pool under construction
The Pigs also decided they wanted a swimming pool, and just like the Hens they did not have many good things to say about the one the humans had constructed for them. Therefore they have undertaken a much bigger project in the old freezer. So far the only problem is how to get the water just a little warmer than the normal +4.
The Speaker Pig had this to say: “We are not quit there yet, but is a big construction, and these things take some time.”

Dogs and Cats attacked by evil minded seed collection
This time of year Mother Nature herself seems to be somewhat cruel to the 4-legged ones. The seed of the Evil minded Hay stuck everywhere. Which really is not a good thing as it also seems to grow everywhere. So fare 2 dogs and 3 cats have been in for treatment (removing) today, and yesterday all but the Hen Department needed help to remove the suckers. This is next to all the plants that are getting removed by the humans. You might say this is an infestation!
The God Mother Dog likes to say: “I have lived with these buggers all my life, but even though I have learned to step carefully they still always attacking me. I haven’t seen this myself, but I am sure they attack on purpose and can jump several meters. They sure are truly evil!”

Cucumber season
The Pig and Hen department can with huge pleasure pronounce the Cucumber season for official opened. They come in all shapes and sizes, but they all taste delicious. The demands for cucumber news are so huge that a bigger field will have to be arranged for next year.
The Chief Pig said: “I like all cucumbers off course, but the one I can have all for my self is the best ones.”

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Number of eggs today: 3

Weather Forecast
This morning it actually looked like a thunderstorm was coming in, but that was then, and this is now. We are back to the normal HOT HOT HOT HOT!

The dogs recommend you to check upon that soundproof room, just to be on the safe side, otherwise, stay in the coolest place you know.

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