Saturday, 1 August 2009

August 1st

Life goes on

The God Mother Dog has left us and we miss her like crazy.

But as the expression says: The life must go on!

Death may have paid us a very unwelcome visit but the rest of us are still alive, doing the best of what we have left. It is not easy, but we will get there some how.

The God Mother Dog liked to be in control, and she usually got what she wanted.

The last week of her life we could see she was in pain, but at the same time she was looking so content. We all thought it was because she was getting better.

Than she left us in the middle of the night, the day before the male human was off to travel for work. Like she wanted to spend as much possible time as possible with us, and knew she was not able to wait until he got back.

Thanks to the neighbours next door we got her buried before he left and she is now resting under a nice tree, watching over her beloved home and valley.

Around we go!

To get away from it all the New Chief Dog (her son, earlier known as “Mamas Boy Dog” ) has been travelling a lot. He has even gone all the way to the airport. There he charmed the staff, and they insisted he went in and instead of hanging about outside. That was way to hot for him they claimed. Italy is a sensible country, so off course he was allowed in.

Next to the airport he has also been down by the river, a couple of bars, and even found our where there is a dog shelter. Just in case he wants a new friend one day.

The New Chief Dog says: “I have booked some cars.”

Jumping in the river

Yesterday the New Chief Dog brought the human down to the river. There they watched all the little fishes, the tracks of herons and also tracks of what were believed to be wild boar. The New Chief Dog even went out in the water.

The New Chief Dog says: “That was totally planned, it was so not an accident. If Mama had been here, she would tell you so! It is not like I would ever just fell out in the river by accident. HA!”

Definition of HOT

Yesterday evening to Gentlemen in stripes (the Model Cat & the Chief Cat) was observed observing something. Closer investigation showed they where watching a tiny mouse. They were not hunting it though, more the other way around. Every time the mouse walked up against one of them and stood on his tiny back feet and squealed at them, they jumped back. Once he tried to hide under the Chief Cat, but the Chief Cat than remembered he was very very late for an appointment somewhere else.

The Primadonna Cat said: “OH NO! This is just so embarrassing, complete and utterly embarrassing!”

Hugs anyone?

The Peacecat was a very close friend of the God Mother Dog and is trying to comfort her son as much as possible. This is done by walking up close to him and try to give him a huge hug. He also tried to persuade him to sleep with him in the dog’s bed. He could even sleep under the pillows so that her Son could visualize his mum. Still the New Chief Dog refused.

The Peacecat says: “It is a work in progress. The God Mother Dog tried to resist my hugs in the beginning she to. He will come around. A proper hug (or preferable a lots of hugs) is good for him.”

A wake up call

Today the human was dreaming something was stamping on her face. She woke up and so straight in to the beautiful white tummy fur of the Primadonna Cat,

The Primadonna Cat said: “I needed a good tummy scrub, and than the human was a sleep. What else was I supposed to do?

A day off

The Hen Department has taken a day off, and will not be laying egg today. This is a result after yesterday incident where an egg was laid with out a proper shell.

The Spokesshen said: “This was so shocking that we needed some time out to think about it. Off course we have heard the tails and stories, but we never thought it should happen to any of us.”

Thank you all!

We would all like to thank all of you for being so kind and understanding regarding the loss of our Pilota. It has ment a lot to us and really made it so much easier for us.

Number of eggs today: 0

Weather Forecast

After a heavy rain shower last evening the weather today is almost refreshing. Around these parts 25 degrees is considered cold 10 am.

The Dog recommends you to try to enjoy it if you can. He sure can’t.

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